When I find something interesting and new, I post it here - that's mostly programming, of course, not everything.

Sunday, December 11, 2005


My general idea now is that blogs may stay almost forever, unlike web sites, where you have to pay monthly; and besides, 50 years from now, HTML will be as obsolete as typewriters,inkpots, vinyl and magnetic tapes - there will be not so many software do handle it. Blogs are more adaptable; and they are searchable too. So, I think, I'll gradually move my stuff over to this blog, to minimalize the hassle of maintanence.

Another issue I'm currently thinking about is taking over namespace. Namespace is limited.

There's no point to watch this blog; there's nothing "new" there.

Большей частью содержание - на русском языке, с исключениями.

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