When I find something interesting and new, I post it here - that's mostly programming, of course, not everything.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Keyboard Bookmarklets

Find your language below, and drag the grey square to bookmarks tab in your browser.

Next time you open a page with edit field (e.g. blogger), click the bookmark in the bookmarks tab,
and here you go, the keyboard pops up.

So far it works only on Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari, though.

sq Albanian  hu Hungarian  ro Romanian  
ar Arabic  il Israel(Ar,En,He,Ru)  ru Russian  
hy Armenian  is Icelandic  sr Serbian  
az Azeri  kn Kannada  si Sinhalese  
be Belarussian  kk Kazakh  sk Slovak  
bn Bengali  km Khmer  special Special (Arrows etc)  
bg Bulgarian  lv Latvian  tg Tajik  
hr Croatian  lt Lithuanian  ta Tamil  
cs Czech  mk Macedonian  tt Tatar  
et Estonian  ml Malayalam  te Telugu  
fa Farsi  mr Marathi  th Thai  
fi Finnish  mn Mongolian  tr Turkish  
ka Georgian  no Norwegian  tk Turkmen  
gu Gujarati  ps Pashto  ug Uighur  
hi Hindi  pl Polish  ua Ukraine (Ua,Ru)  

Questions? Write me.


GForce said...

Uh, this is pretty neat!


Ni∁ℯ work, Vlad :-)

Unknown said...

Что-то не работает. Ubuntu, Firefox...

Unknown said...

В консоли Firefox: Заблокирована загрузка смешанного активного содержимого «http://mw1.google.com/staticfiles/keyboard/bin/d_lv_002.js»

И ссылка на https://developer.mozilla.org/ru/docs/Security/MixedContent


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